
In Preparation/Review

  1. C.C.Benjamin, R.S.Lakes, W.C.Crone, “Interfacial Adhesion of pH-sensitive 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (2-dimethylamino) ethyl methcrylate HEMA-DMAEMA Hydrogels.” (in preparation).

Selected Publications

  1. Gueldner, P.H., Darvish, C.J., Chickanosky, I.K., Ahlgren, E.E., Fortunato, R., Chung, T.K., Rajagopal, K., Benjamin, C.C., Maiti, S., Rajagopal, K.R. and Vorp, D.A., 2024. Aortic tissue stiffness and tensile strength are correlated with density changes following proteolytic treatment. Journal of Biomechanics172, p.112226.
  2. Yanamundra, K. K., Benjamin, C. C., & Rajagopal, K. R. (2024). Flow of a colloidal solution in an orthogonal rheometer. Physics of Fluids36(4).
  3. Willis, J. A., Trevino, A., Nguyen, C., Benjamin, C. C., & Yakovlev, V. V. (2023). Photodynamic Therapy Minimally Affects HEMA-DMAEMA Hydrogel Viscoelasticity. Macromolecular Bioscience, 2300124.
  4. Willis, J. A., Trevino, A., Nguyen, C., Benjamin, C. C., Yakovlev, V. V. , Photodynamic therapy effects on hydrogel viscoelastic properties. In Photonics in Dermatology and Plastic Surgery 2023 (Vol. 12352, pp. 91-99). SPIE.
  5. Rajagopal, K. R., Myneni, M., Trevino, A., Benjamin, C. C., Muthupillai, R., Rajagopal, K., Developing improved mathematical models of aortic mechanics. The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery.
  6. Kar, P., M. Myneni, K. Tůma, K. R. Rajagopal, and C. C. Benjamin. “Axial pulling of a neo-Hookean fiber embedded in a generalized neo-Hookean matrix.” International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics (2022): 104292.
  7. Cipriani, Ciera E., Yalan Shu, Emily B. Pentzer, and Chandler C. Benjamin. “Viscoelastic and thixotropic characterization of paraffin/photopolymer composites for extrusion-based printing.” Physics of Fluids 34, no. 9 (2022): 093106.
  8. Karimineghlani, Parvin, Abdelrahman A. Youssef, and Chandler C. Benjamin. “Energy dissipation in phase change salogels under shear stress.” Polymer (2022): 124977.
  9. Darnal, Aryabhat, Matthew Fisseler, Chandler C. Benjamin, and Arun R. Srinivasa. “An Excel‐based approach for designing stepped driveshafts for mobility devices and a study of its use in a design of machine elements course.” Computer Applications in Engineering Education (2022).
  10. Myneni, Manoj, Raghuveer Lalitha Sridhar, Kumbakonam R. Rajagopal, and Chandler C. Benjamin. “Experimental Investigation of the Anisotropic Mechanical Response of the Porcine Thoracic Aorta.” Annals of Biomedical Engineering 50, no. 4 (2022): 452-466.
  11. Myneni, Manoj, Chandler C. Benjamin, and K. R. Rajagopal. “Stress concentration factors around a circular hole in two fiber reinforced materials under large deformations.” Mechanics of Materials 163 (2021): 104089.
  12. Cipriani, Ciera E., Taekwang Ha, Oliver B. Martinez Defilló, Manoj Myneni, Yifei Wang, Chandler C. Benjamin, Jyhwen Wang, Emily B. Pentzer, and Peiran Wei. “Structure–processing–property relationships of 3D printed porous polymeric materials.” ACS Materials Au 1, no. 1 (2021): 69-80.Paul,  Sandipan, Alan D. Freed, and Chandler C. Benjamin. “Application of the Gram–Schmidt factorization of the deformation gradient to a cone and plate rheometer.” Physics of Fluids 33, no. 1 (2021): 017113.
  13. Myneni, Manoj, Akshay Rao, Mingliang Jiang, Michael R. Moreno, K. R. Rajagopal, and Chandler C. Benjamin. “Segmental Variations in the Peel Characteristics of the Porcine Thoracic Aorta.” Annals of biomedical engineering (2020): 1-17.
  14. Prabhakaran, Pranitha, and Chandler C. Benjamin. “Energy dissipation in pH-sensitive hydrogels subjected to large amplitude oscillatory shear.” Mechanics of Materials 140 (2020): 103226.
  15. M.Arjmand, C.C.Benjamin, I.Szlufarska, “Analytical Elastoplastic Analysis of Heteroepitaxial Core-Shell Nanowires”, AIP Advances (2019) DOI: 10.1063/1.5049479.
  16. C.C.Benjamin, Myneni, M., Muliana, A., & Rajagopal, K. R. (2019). Motion of a finite composite cylindrical annulus comprised of nonlinear elastic solids subject to periodic shear. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics.
  17. C.C.Benjamin, R. J. Craven, W. C. Crone, and R. S. Lakes. “Viscoelastic characterization of pH-sensitive 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (2-dimethylamino) ethyl methacrylate HEMA-DMAEMA hydrogels.” Polymer Testing (2018).
  18. C.C. Benjamin, R.S. Lakes, W.C. Crone, “Measurement the stiffening parameter for 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (2-dimethylamino) ethyl methacrylate (HEMA-DMAEMA) stimuli-responsive hydrogels”, Acta Mechanica, 2018
  19. C.C. Benjamin, W.C. Crone, R.S. Lakes, “Viscoelastic Relaxation of
    HEMA-DMAEMA Responsive Hydrogels.” Proceedings of the 2016 SEM Annual Conference and Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics.
  20. C.C. Benjamin, J.C. Springmann, S.A. Chindhy, and W.C. Crone, “Experimental Tools for Responsive Hydrogel Characterization.” In Fracture and Fatigue, Volume 7, pp. 7-11. Proceedings of the 2013 Annual Conference on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Springer International Publishing.
  21. W.C. Crone, S.A. Chindhy, J.C. Springmann, and C.C. Benjamin, “Experiments on Hydrogels of Varying Shape,” Proceedings of the 2012 SEM Annual Conference and Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics.
  22. C.C. Benjamin, J.C. Springmann, S.A. Chindhy, and W.C. Crone, “Characterization of the Interfacial Adhesion for Responsive Hydrogels on Substrates,” 2012 APS Meeting.
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